
Why is drinking water so important? Our body is made of around 60% water and our blood contains 90% water. Water is essential for our body to function properly – the benefits include e.g. detoxifying our kidneys, better skin elasticity,...
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The holiday season is a joyful time of year filled with cups of hot cocoa by the fire, festive gatherings, and large feasts. And, of course, gifts! Giving gifts to people you love and care about is a wonderful way...
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ZeroWater is proud to offer more ways to enjoy superior drinking water filtration. Our technology focuses on reducing dissolved solids, chlorine and other sediments such as lead or chromium. We are continuously looking for ways to diversify our technology so...
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By now our customers understand ZeroWater’s fervent commitment to providing homes and offices with purer-tasting drinking water. Now, we’re excited to announce that we’re expanding into filtered showerheads and shower filter cartridge replacements so that all of the water in...
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